Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Update! Update!

I'm totally slacking on blogging.  I kept thinking that there wasn't much to blog about, but in reality, so much has happened.

I was officially rejected to ODU about 3 days after my last post.  It didn't hurt my feelings nearly as much as the Radford rejection, surprisingly.  I think secretly I was hoping I would get rejected so that I wouldn't have to make a choice between the two, because making the choice to leave home (when I would have had the option to stay) would have been hard.  Also, I heard ODU only took 5 non-majors, and all of them had stellar GPAs, so yeah.  Not too surprised.

I decided to go ahead and go with option 2 from my last post.  The extra year is kind of a bummer, but I'm hoping to really master all the concepts.   Here's to hoping it'll work out better for me in the end!

In the fall I will be taking Intro to Audiology, A&P for Speech/Hearing, Neurology of Human Comm, and Survey of Exceptional Children.  Classes start in about 5 weeks and I am SO excited.  I've ordered 2 of the books so far and I am waiting for some extra cash to order the other two.  I'm buying all of my books, rather than renting, so that I can start my professional library.

I move in about 4 weeks.  I JUST secured an apartment this past week, and I was lucky enough to find a roommate after somehow missing the roommate connection email or whatever.  Its been interesting trying to gather everything I need to move, but luckily my family has helped out quite a bit.  My apartment is GORGEOUS and the complex has a lot of cool stuff, so I can't wait.  Also, this is my first time living without family, so that is pretty exciting (and terrifying?) as well.

Money has been something that I am struggling with.  I can find a part time job this first (prereq) year, but I keep thinking about the two years after that.  Taking out so much in loans makes me nervous.....Gotta do whatcha gotta do right?'

This is a terrible blog post but I feel like I'm more up to date now...maybe the next ones will be in more detail. :)

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